A Simple Plan
Below, you will find global resources that utilize emerging and existing technologies. There is a lesson helping students determine the accuracy of content on the internet, as well as a helpful test to determine a website's validity. Project Look Sharp provides a complete media literacy unit, and check out a teacher's use Twitter to teach Hamlet. PenPals offers opportunities for your students to connect with students around the world. Journeys In Film offer films from around the world with ready made units to help connect students to a larger world. Also, peruse the comprehensive list from Paste Magazine of foreign language films on Netflix instant streaming to help broaden your horizons.
The Importance of Analyzing the Validity of Internet Content
From Project Look Sharp: An example of leading a class through a constructionist media decoding using a lesson, titled, Media Constructions of Martin Luther King Jr. Students analyze the white supremacist website martinlutherking.org and reflect on critical thinking and the internet.
Click on the image to learn more.
Evaluating the Validity of Research
The CRAP Test is a resource evaluation tool designed to help students determine credibility, relevance, accuracy and purpose of their resources.
Click on the image to see a brief film.
Project Look Sharp: Media Literacy Unit
This booklet is designed for teachers and support staff at all grade levels who are interested in using media literacy in their classroom curricula. The approaches are based on the concept of weaving media literacy training into the curriculum whenever and wherever possible throughout the school year. Routine integration is much more effective than simply treating media literacy as a special, isolated topic and may better meet the needs of teachers who are already at capacity with the demands of a full curriculum.
Click on the image to learn more.
Global Technologies
Students in Faisal Mohyuddin's literature class recently created Twitter handles for characters in Shakespeare's Hamlet.
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PenPals Schools
Your students will be matched with PenPals from around the world to collaborate through online lessons. Choose from any of these standards-aligned projects.
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Journeys Into Film
Journeys in Film harnesses the storytelling power of film to educate the most visually literate generation in history.
Most of the critical issues that the United States faces today are international in their scope and complexity, and our abilities as a nation to meet these challenges will be strengthened by a greater understanding of our global interdependence.
Aligned with various prominent national initiatives, Journeys in Film believes that helping America’s youth develop this kind of worldview and understanding should be a primary 21st century educational goal. Our educational program has proven to be effective in connecting cultures, broadening world-views, teaching for global competency and building a new paradigm for best practices in education.
Click on the image to learn more.
Using Foreign Film to Broaden Your Horizons
From Paste Magazine: Movies have the wonderful ability to shift perception and help you to see and understand the other. Nowhere is this more apparent than in foreign-language films. For a century, cinema has helped us glimpse life in countries where we may never set foot. While Hollywood still dominates the box office, art houses and services like Netflix have given us easy access to films from around the globe. We scoured Netflix’s foreign movie offerings for our favorites. the list includes movies from 20 different nations and nearly that many languages. From traditional cinema powerhouses like France, Italy, Iran and Japan to more recent centers of creativity like Brazil, Indonesia and even Palestine, we give you the 40 Best Foreign-Language Films Streaming on Netflix.
Click on the image to read more.
NOTE: MOST of these films are for your growth only. Many films contain content NOT suitable for classroom use. As always, view and study films before using them in the classroom.